MAdeleine Perrone
Madeleine Perrone, a local Cambrian, has been a Feldenkrais Guild Certified Instructor since 1994. Her background in dance performance and education is extensive. Massage therapy is also part of her experience. She has introduced many groups of people to the Method, including musicians, health care practitioners, the aging, persons with chronic pain and injures and athletes.
Originally from the East Coast, she earned a Master of Fine Arts in Dance from New York University and a B.A. in Art Education, and she taught dance for over 15 years at California State University in Fresno. Madeleine’s experience in performance, movement studies, the visual arts, and education gives her a unique perspective and enables her to bring a broad and sensitive understanding of movement to her Feldenkrais classes.
In addition, Madeleine’s strong teaching abilities guide her in working with diverse groups of clients, including the elderly, artists, musicians, athletes, infants, toddlers, and those who have learning disabilities or who have had traumatic brain injuries.
For questions about her classes at Vyana you can email Madeleine at
To learn more about Madeleine and her other offerings please visit her website